
Center for Texas Studies serves the DFW community with year-round events that encourage public interest and participation in preserving Texas history and culture.  Check our online calendar for dates and times.

Preserving Our Past: Community History Workshops

The Center for Texas Studies at TCU presents the “Community History Workshop Series: Preserving Our Past” on the first Saturday of each month September through May at 10:30am in the Tandy Lecture Hall of the Fort Worth Library.  We hope that attending a workshop will make you feel—as we do—that “every person is a historian.”  Speakers include both professional and local historians, museum curators, archivists, journalists, preservationists, and others who strive to document our heritage.  After every lecture, attendees have the opportunity to ask general questions or visit one-on-one with our guest about the history that matters to them.  Whether you worry over elusive oral traditions, a bundle of letters deteriorating in your attic, or an entire historic neighborhood that may be endangered, you should find some direction from one of our workshops—past, present, or future. By saving your own small part of the cultural and historical fabric of this region, YOU can make a big impact.  Workshop admission is free!  Check our calendar or Facebook for the latest program information. To check out some of our past workshops, click here.

This workshop series is made possible by our partners at the Fort Worth Library and generous support from the Summerlee Foundation and the Summerfield G. Roberts Foundation, both of Dallas.


Extended Education Courses

The Center sponsors Texas-centric classes through TCU Extended Education each spring and fall. Courses rotate each semester, but often cover art, politics, culture, literature, and history.  Why not set aside two or three nights to learn more about Texas in the Civil War or take a virtual tour of Fort Worth’s rowdy nightclub scene in the mid 20th century?  Each spring features a motorcoach tour of local history sites led by Fort Worth native Quentin McGown.  Courses are open to the public.  Fees vary.  Follow the link to see the current schedule and reserve a seat for yourself and a friend.